

发布时间: 2024-05-17 10:23:33北京青年报社官方账号





"For a period of time in America, Chinese medicine seemed relegated to the past -- particularly in contrast to the high-tech advances made in biomedicine during the 20th century. But it is fortunate that much has been preserved and brought forward, as Chinese medicine is relevant today in our evolving understanding of the human body, medical sensibilities, and the nature of health and healing," said Donna Mah, a faculty member of Pacific College of Oriental Medicine in New York.


"Generally speaking, if a small business is run by a couple who are focused on a particular industry and have no bad habits such as gambling, and if the business is running smoothly, its owner will receive a loan from our bank as the probability of risk occurrence is fairly low," she said.


"Foxconn hopes to reduce costs and grow its market share in the US by launching the LCD panel plant. Moreover, US President Trump's claim to revitalize manufacturing, as well as preferential policies and subsidies from the state of Wisconsin have attracted Foxconn to produce LCD panels to satisfy local demand," said Zhang Yanbin, assistant director of Beijing-based consultancy All View Cloud.


"Given how important the relationship between the United States and China is on the world stage right now, I think it's important for individuals from the two different cultures to get to know each other," he said. "In that way it can help ultimately reduce tensions that may exist on national and international levels."


"For years, China has been investing in major S&T (science and technology) fields, such as infrastructure, high-speed rail, aerospace and biological technology. It is time to reap the fruit," said Zhang Ping, a Peking University professor who specializes in intellectual property.


